We have an incredible team of athletes at Triathlon Training Team. Each member has a story and a path that brought them to the here and now, we are so excited to share their stories with you so you can get to know our team that much more. We will be featuring athletes every month so be sure to check back often. Maybe you’ll find someone that shares your same fears, loves the same distance as you, has similar obstacles making it difficult to commit to training. Whatever it is you are looking for, we are confidant you will find it at Triathlon Training Team and look forward to joining you are on your journey!
Today we are honored to feature Triathlon Training Team member: Nick
1.How did you get your start in triathlon?
My journey in triathlon began after I ran the LA Marathon in 2015. I was driving with a friend shortly after and I told him how exhausting it was. His response, “Please, I FINISH my race with a marathon” and of course my competitive spirit wanted to take on this new, more daunting challenge. In December of 2015 when a coworker asked me if I wanted to join him in a triathlon the following April I took the opportunity to jump into the sport. This race just happened to be Wildflower 70.3, a pretty difficult half ironman distance triathlon. As soon as started training I discovered Triathlon Training Team through the Give it a Tri Program and the last two years have been nothing short of life changing!
2.What do you enjoy most about triathlon?
The people! Triathlon has given me so many incredible friends. The camaraderie is what makes this sport and this team truly great. I love the people on this team and in the sport in general because they’ve shown me that no obstacle is ever too big to overcome regardless of age, diagnosis, or “time constraints”.
3.What is your favorite triathlon distance and why?
My favorite distance to race is the Half Ironman distance (70.3 miles). The distance is challenging but you can still push yourself hard. I also like that it requires more strategy with nutrition and pacing.
4.What are your goals for this season, what are your upcoming races?
My current goals are all about building a strong foundation so I can train harder and longer than ever before. Most importantly, making time for proper rest and nutrition. I want to set new records in all three disciplines in the next couple of years in the 70.3 half ironman distance. I have my sights set on a race later in 2018 so I can put in the time to crush my goals.
5.Do you have a bucket list race?
My bucket list race is called the Isklar Norseman Xtreme triathlon in Norway. It’s an ironman distance (140.6 miles) race that starts in the frigid water of a fjord, has a harsh bike course, and the marathon finishes with a climb up a MOUNTAIN! It gets my heart pumping just thinking about it! I don’t know why I like to torture myself with things like this but I love it.
6.Describe the feeling of finishing your first triathlon?
Stoked. Grateful. Exhausted. I had never thought I would do 70.3 miles of straight cardio let alone doing it in three different disciplines. I was so grateful for the support and patience that my friends and family showed me throughout my exhausting and oftentimes frustrating training. Being able to show them what is possible with hard work and consistency was all that mattered when I crossed that finish line.
7.What is the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome to participate in the sport?
Time. Work and fun are always looming over my training schedule. Thankfully, I have a coach that designs thoughtful and individual programs every week. The structure Diego provides takes the thinking out of training which I really struggled with while training for my first triathlon.
8.What is your favorite experience the sport has brought you during either training or racing?
Competing with my teammates (all 25) and more importantly my friends at Oceanside 70.3. After months of training together there were so many incredible moments during the race when we were able to cheer each other on. Oh, and the drunk guys spraying everyone with a hose, they were my saviors! No one can ever take that hot but glorious day away from us.
9. What makes TTT so great?
We aren’t just a team that practices and does triathlons from time to time together. We are a family that supports each other through hardship and triumph. We celebrate everything we can from birthdays to holidays to friends moving on to new chapters in their lives. We never take the easy road because we’re on a mission to prove to not just the people around us, but to ourselves, that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to. We are triathletes and we ALWAYS find a way because that’s just what we do.